Dr. Goldych is certified in Webster Technique, which is a specific spinal evaluation and adjustment. The goal of chiropractic care for pregnant women is to correct and maintain spinal and nervous system health. Special attention is paid to the pelvis and lumbar vertebrae during pregnancy due to the extra stress they are under as the baby grows. Being adjusted throughout your pregnancy will help you better adapt to your pregnancy and labor.
A gentle chiropractic adjustment in a pregnant woman can help reduce nerve interference and balance pelvic bones, ligaments, and muscles. According to Williams Obstetrics, the diameter of a woman’s pelvis is decreased when the sacrum in not in proper alignment. The text continues to state that any decrease in pelvic diameter can create dystocia (difficulty) during labor.
Due to the direct attachment of uterine ligaments to the pelvis, misalignment directly affects the way the uterus is supported. Unbalanced ligament support can create unbalanced tension on the uterus, which may decrease the amount of space the baby has to grow and get into the ideal position for birth.
Chiropractic care in pregnant women has been shown to reduce back pain exceptionally well. It also helps maintain pelvic floor balance and stability. In some cases chiropractic has also helped to reduce labor times. Many women have also found post partum care to help with breast feeding issues.
With all the benefits of chiropractic care, we believe every mom-to-be deserves to be checked and cared for throughout their pregnancy, as part of a team-based approach to healthy pregnancies and birth strategies.
We know that the safety of you and your baby are your number one concern, and it is our’s too. There are no known contraindications for adjusting pregnant women. We take extra caution and care of each one of our patients, and pregnant women are no exception. Sometimes we may have to change our technique to adapt to your changing body, but know that you will always get the appropriate adjustment for your body. While all chiropractors are trained to treat pregnant women, Dr. Goldych received extra education and training in this field through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association to ensure you get the safest, most effective, and most current care during your pregnancy.
We want your pregnancy and birth to be the best experience possible, we do our part by making sure there is no interference to your nervous system.
Cunningham FG et al, “Dystocia Due to Pelvic Contraction”, Williams Obstetrics, Nineteenth Ed 1989
Towbin A, “Dystocia”, Brain Damage in the Newborn and its Neurologic Sequelle, 1998
Netter F. “Pelvic Viscera and Perineum” Atlas of Human Anatomy ; 1994
Ohm, Jeanne, DC, and Joel Alcantara, DC. “The Webster Technique: Definition, Application and Implications.” J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health May.10 (2012): 49-53. Print.
Sadr, Shabnam, Neda Pourkiani-Allah-Abad, and Kent Stuber. “The Treatment Experience of Patients with Low Back Pain during Pregnancy and Their Chiropractors: A Qualitative Study.” Chiropractic & Manual Therapies 20.1 (2012): 32. Print.
Slak, Linda, DC, CACCP, CABCDD, and Katherine A. Wilson, DC. “Resolution of Breastfeeding Difficulty Following Subluxation Based Chiropractic Care.” J. Pediatric, Maternal & Family Health Jan.17 (2013): 7-10. Print.