Ukraninan Easter Eggs, or pysanki, have always intrigued me. At Easter, my grandmother always has and abundance of beautiful eggs in her house. As children, my sisters and I would beg her to show us how to make one. I look up the instructions almost every year, but have never even bought the supplies to make them. This year I found instructions for the egg in the picture here.
The eggs are stunning. They always have beautiful vibrant colors, intricate detail, and mesmerizing patterns. I never understood how someone could make such detailed patterns look so flawless, symmetrical, and unique. I also wondered how long it would take hunched over a candle trying to layer everything together to come out with the finished masterpiece. I also wondered what my egg would actually look like. Most definitely, it would be a Pinterest Fail. The wonder of how it came to be, the level of talent, and the amount of time it would take to create an egg like this are all part of its beauty for me.
The wonder, intricate detail, and fascinating patterns are the same things that intrigue me about the human body. Look closely at the human body, and try not to be amazed at the symmetry, detail, and patterns. I can’t help but think, how did that happen? Everything is so organized, so small, so intricate. Who would ever want to take the time to figure that out? I didn’t even want to take the time to make an Easter Egg. On top of being beautiful, all of those pieces have a purpose, function, a job that they carry out. The egg just has to sit pretty for one or two weeks out of the year.
Here are just a few images showing the organization, symmetry, and great design of the body, from left to right: cross section of the brain, intestinal villi, lung alveoli, osteocyte or bone cells, and baby feet!
We hope all of our readers have a Happy Easter, Sensational Spring, and Fabulous Life!
Health, Happiness, and Regular Chiropractic Adjustments,
Dr. Michelle Goldych, D.C.
P.S. I forgot to mention that the nervous system organizes and coordinates all of that! Over a trillion messages travel over your nervous system to all of the unique cells in your body at any given moment so that you can function. Chiropractic helps remove interference to your nervous system, so that those messages can get through properly. Your body is pretty cool!
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